不動庵 碧眼録


WIN, "勝つ", "克つ"

In Japanese language, there are two kind of "win". "勝つ(katsu)" and "克つ(katsu)". We are clearly using these two words properly. Many Japanese are always trying to get both of "win" in our life. I can clearly explain the difference between both words. "勝つ" have enemy, opponent and competitor. Because it is for the view of relative. "克つ" doesn't have enemy, opponent and competitor. Because it is for the view of absolute. You can show "勝つ" to other people very easily. Because it can exist in only the view of object. But, you can't show "克つ" easily to other people. Because it can exist in only the view of subject. You can abandon "勝つ" in your life, because it is not so important. But, you can't abandon try to get "克つ" in your life, because you are facing to "克つ" in every single time. "勝つ" can be displayed by the score board. "克つ" can be indicated in your mind at the end of your life. Therefore, I am always trying to get "克つ" for Bugeisha entirely in my life. SD111006 HEKISHUSAI