不動庵 碧眼録


The Idea of Uniform "衣更"

In Japan, all of the uniform is the symbol of the obligation of the organization which you belong to.

I can say Japanese people believe that the all of clothes are showing the obligation which you have.

In short, we can't escape from any kind of social obligation entire in life. That is the way of Japanese.

As you know, the rule of uniform(dogi) in our group is more flexible than other martial arts.

I believe it is unique idea.

But, this is never meaning "behave outrageously and selfishly".

Soke entrusted the judgment about uniform to us.

We must respond to his expectation, I think.

At least, we must not disappoint him.

Please consider and re-consider the rule and manner for Bugei in Japan.

There is a Japanese traditional custom.

It is called 衣更(Koromogae, ころもがえ)

The meaning is just the changing the clothes.

From June 1st, Japanese people start to use the clothes for summer.

Then, from October 1st, we start to use the clothes for winter.

(The date is based on the main island of Japan, some of local area is different)

It is very traditional and important custom in Japan.

The Japanese is traditionally regarded that it is important to clarify the four seasons.

Trying to clarify the four seasons will make you feel Japanese culture, I think.

That is more important than studying a technique at that time.

SD111025 Hekishusai