不動庵 碧眼録




修行(SHUGYO) is translated as practice, training, study, ascetic and discipline.

By my sense, I believe 修行 is including all of these meaning.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find out suitable word in English.

The ancient original meaning of 修 is "cleaning, purification". This Kanji seems a man is holding a broom.

Today in Japan, we use 修 as "修める"(Osameru).

1.Trying to correct the mind, heart and behavior rightly.

2. studying for arts and learning.

I think the meaning of 修 is to chasing higher level purely.

On the other hand, the ancient original meaning of 行 is "crossroad".

This kanji looks like crossroad.

Today in Japan, when we use 行(GYO) as a action or behavior, it is meaning as actual deed for ascetic and discipline mostly.

When I image the word "修行", I think the deed of 修行 is the cleaning for my own way.

We already have a way each of us.

And the purpose of our life is for cleaning our own way.

Most of people is just walking their own way.

They don't care whether the way is dirty or not.

But, Bugeisha, artist must clean it.

Because there are many of truth during the way.

In martial artist, I saw many people grumble that...

I am looking for great master.

I want to study under strong martial arts group.

I need to have nice dojo.

I have to have many and good students.

I should rank up as possible as I can.


Studying under strong martial arts group, great master, nice dojo facility, many good students and higher rank.

Can you really think it is possible?

I am very sure that chasing these things is never "修行".

It is just a training.

The perspective of 修行 is nothing like that.

Again, chasing such a thing and "修行" is nothing related.

Therefore, I believe the meaning of "修行" is the cleaning for my own way.

Now, I have some of great Buyu(武友).

They are so poor for chasing authority, they don't care of the number of students and the grade of dojo facilities.

They are only eager to doing 修行.

I can say that they are all of my unexchangeable treasure.

Please remind that only treasure can polish treasure.

SD110722 Fudoan Hekishusai