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The Godan

In my Bugei group, Godan (5th dan) is one of the big step. When a disciple received Go-dan, he can also apply for the certification of the sensei. From my viewpoint, so many disciples totally misunderstand about this. The certification of the sensei is not privilege. The certification of the sensei is not license. The certification of the sensei is not authority. The certification of the sensei is not cool decoration, I think. I feel the deep sorrow about the time a fellow disciple receive the set of Godan and the certification of the sensei without deep consideration. Here is some Godan. I wish you can feel something about your current rank and the rank of sensei. There are two Godan group; 五段(Godan, Fifth-dan) and 誤段(Godan, the dan of mistake) There are three Godan in the 五段 group; 護段(Godan, the dan of keep) The person who keep morality and restraint is justice sensei. 娯段(Godan, the dan of joy) The person who has joy and relaxed is safety sensei. 悟段(Godan, the dan of enlightenment) The person who enlightened is prominent sensei There are three Godan in the 誤段 group; 語段(Godan, the dan of language) The Chinese proverb said "Resort to flattery and blandishments is a demonstration of a little truth." also Chinese proverb said "Fortitude and simplicity is close to the truth.". The person who love to speech fluently, he may have the dan of language. 吾段(Godan, the dan of ego) When the person received Godan, he must have more responsibility like statements and behaviors. The person received Godan should be the model of other disciples. If his statements and behaviors are nothing like model, he may have the dan of ego. 固段(Godan, the dan of stubborn) If the person who received Godan adhere to his new authority. He is stubborn person. He will not grow up anymore. I really wish many disciples can be good sensei in the future. P.S. Last week, one of my Buyu received Godan, he will become good sensei in the future. SD101101 Hekishusai