不動庵 碧眼録



Bow and handshaking

Think that except oneself, all are masters. When I train myself, I always think like that. I'm quite sure they are absolutely perfect professional masters. All of things. All of creatures. All of places. All of times. All of nature. Usuall…

The Godan

In my Bugei group, Godan (5th dan) is one of the big step. When a disciple received Go-dan, he can also apply for the certification of the sensei. From my viewpoint, so many disciples totally misunderstand about this. The certification of …

日曜日 (グロい話があるので注意!)

(注意・食後には読まない方がいいです) 昨日は息子と郊外の友人宅を訪れました。 天気はあいにくの雨。 友人宅には2人兄弟がいて、弟の方は小学校四年生です。 従って、息子にはお兄さんのような年齢で次男坊さんには弟のような年齢なので、最初からテレビ…