不動庵 碧眼録


利休道歌(Rikyu Doka) Vol.6

















Saredo fuzoku

Iyashikiwo sare


Abandon weak behaviors and strong behaviors also crude manners as well at temae.

*Temae:The procedures in the tea ceremony.

At Japanese tea ceremony, shaky weak behaviors and rough strong behaviors are restrained.

I think they regard natural movement as best.

The natural movement does not take stress for a looking person most.

There are the very superior thing for elegant movements made with a human performance, but is far behind natural extremely normal movements.

The human performance pleases a person, but the natural movement is connected directly to live entirely.

Originally, there is no useless, impossible irregularity in the movement to live simply.

There is no ego in the movement only to complete the life if it says in the zen.

It only acts so that the life may complete the life.

When ego enters there, improper sense springs out like want to make a look better, don't want to mistake.

Ego has a bad influence on behaviors.

Even in Bugei, improper person or not is extremely important matter.

The Bugei by improper person is just the killing art. It is criminal wannabees.

It must never be such a thing.

Therefore, to know the opponent by their behaviors before fighting is important.

The thing to know the enemy after the fight starts is a plan in the under.

Sunzu said "First win, then fight". It is correct.

This method is also useful in the training. It is easy to know how students tense are.

In the battle, making beauty and extra brave and unnecessary tension are connected directly to death.

Therefore, having ego makes death easily.

To become to fighting itself if it says in the zen.

If you can become to fighting itself, all of behaviors cross over strength and weakness.

I think making of good of tea from among the behavior of nature which abandoned the ego.


SD100824 Hekishusai