不動庵 碧眼録


Fudoan Hekiganroku

My name is Fudoan Hekishusai, English name is Bruce.

I am the master of BUNBUNOMA FUDOAN since 2004.

I am introducing Bugei, Zen, Prose, Er-hu(Niko, Chinese stringed instrument) and Japanese Samurai Armor on my site. I'm happy if visitor feels interested in Japanese culture and tradition.

The name of this blog "Hekiganroku" means;

Heki : capital of "Hekishusai"

Gan : eyes

Roku : log

In short, the meaning of "Hekiganroku" is the blog written by the viewpoint of Hekishusai.

To tell the truth, I'm still considering what kind of thing I should write on the blog. But I am going to write something about Japanese culture from my viewpoint.



From Japanese-English dictionary

- 和[wa] -

1.the sum, the total

2.peace, harmony, concord, unity, union


Also, the pronunciation of [wa] is same as

1.circle, wheel, hoop

2.loop, link, round

3.circle of friends

The original meaning of [wa] came from "I"...


Thank you.