不動庵 碧眼録


臘八示衆 / Rohatsu Jishu 4

【The fourth day】

The 4th day night. Hakuin-zenji said there are 6 steps for Susokukan(counting breathing). It is Su(counting), Zui(Always), Shi(stop), Kan(observation), Jo(purification).

*These steps are used in Tendai-shu.

To enter to Zen state by counting the breathing, it is "Su(sokukan)"(The counting breathing).

After that state, when the timing mature, it enters to Zen state by Susokukan breathing as naturally. It is Zui(sokukan).

Also, there is other steps which is called "The 16 method"(The steps of Shingon-shu). In short, Susokukan and a Zuisokukan be the most important after all.

Therefore, Bodhidharma said "Shut out the all of the extra relationship of the outside, do not exhaust your kokoro for inside, and enter to the way while keep your kokoro as the wall."

The meaning of "Do not exhaust your kokoro for inside." is "to fix your kokoro tightly." And the meaning of "enter to the way while keep your kokoro as the wall." is "to go to straight the way without any adherer".

This proverb is including so deep meaning.

Let's try your koan without any adherer. You will have enlightenment.

Go and try Zen more hardly.

#zen #Hakuin #Rinzai

*Translated by NAKADAI
