不動庵 碧眼録


臘八示衆 / Rohatsu Jishu 5

【The fifth day】

The 5th day night, Hakuin-zenji said that usually, the longest Sesshin(intensive shugyo) is 120 days, the middle is 90 days and the shortest is 80 days.

All of disciples determine to begin the shugyo for clarifying the truth.

Therefore, disciples don't go to outside of the temple and they never talk.

The intrepid determination is important for Zen shugyo.

Recently, I heard there is a man whose name is Heishiro, he carved the stone statue of Fudomyooh and enshrined it on a waterfall.

At that time, the water of the waterfall was falling, then bubble was spreading, but lot of bubble is gone in 30cm. The most of bubble disappeared in a meter. All of bubble was completely vanished in 4-5meters. He was watching that state.

Heishiro naturally realized that the all of human activities are just like water bubble. Then, he couldn't calm down easily.

He had read the book "Takusui Hougo" before. The book said that the person who has the intrepid determination can get enlightenment soon but the sluggard cannot get enlightenment even if it is practiced for a long time.

Soon, Heishiro had determined. He entered to bathroom and locked.

He straightened his backbone and his both palms were crossed. Then, he stared fixedly by his both eyes for doing Zen purely.

Many illusions and diabolic mind were happening in his mind. After he struggled with them, finally he swept them away and he entered to the deep status of enlightenment.

When the morning came, his ears heard sparrow's chirping, but he didn't feel anything from his body. He saw that his both eyes were on the ground.

Soon, he felt the pain by his nail. Then, soon his eyes returned to his face and the sense of his hands and feet recovered as usual.

He continued to do Zen during 3 days and 3 nights.

At third day, when he washed his face, he watched the garden. The garden looked totally different from usual though it is exactly same garden.

He asked about it to the Buddhism monk who was living near Heishiro. But the monk couldn't answer about what that state is.

Heishiro decided to meet Hakuin-zenji for clarify his mysterious experience. On the way to the temple of Hakuin-zenji, when he passed Satta mountain pass, he saw the landscape of Koura (this is a name of beach), suddenly he got enlightenment that all of the nature as grass, tree and soil are Buddha-nature itself.

Then, after he met Hakuin-zenji, he gave some of Koan to him. He passed so easily.

He is general citizen.

Though he did not do formal Zen shugyo, he got enlightenment in only three days.

It was caused only by the intrepid determination.

He won in conflict with many illusions and diabolic mind.

Wake up all of your intrepid determination.

#zen #Hakuin #Rinzai

*Translated by NAKADAI
