不動庵 碧眼録


臘八示衆 / Rohatsu Jishu 1

【The first day】

The first day night, Hakuin zenji said that disciple who is going to shugyo have to spread thick cushion and sit as Kekka-Fuza, Lotus position.

Put on relaxed clothes and straighten your backbone for making good posture.

After that, try Susokukan(breathing with counting).

Susokukan is most effective to approach to Buddha-nature status.

Fill up your Ki(気) to your Tanden(the body location which is about 3cm under the navel). After that, challenge to the Koan which you have.

You should become Koan itself.

If you try hard day by day without laziness, you will have realization without doubt.

Try hard, try hard.

#zen #Hakuin #Rinzai

*Translated by NAKADAI
