不動庵 碧眼録


Zen and Pine tree

On January 3rd, I went to Shouinji(松蔭寺) temple. Shouinji is known as the temple where Hakuin Ekaku zenji(白隠 慧鶴 禅師) entered to the Buddhist priesthood. Hakuin zenji is famous for the restorer of Rinzai sect. Also, his discipline was extremely hard. So many trainee monks dead during discipline.
If you want to know the detail of Hakuin zenji, please read wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hakuin_Ekaku Shouinji seems normal scale temple. Not huge temple, but not small temple too. Buddha statue is the main Buddha of the temple. There is the zazen hall on the right side of main hall. The end of the zazen hall, it is connected with the hexagon hall. That hexagon hall enshrine the wooden statue of Hakuin zenji which made by oneself. Usually, the wooden statue of high rank priest is sitting properly and smiling. But, this wooden statue leans forward and scowls. To tell the truth, my knee shook for a while when I watched it, and I couldn't stop it. Determination for zen discipline, I really felt it from the statue.
After that, I went to his cemetery. Of course, his cemetery is not small because he was great person for Rinzai sect. I was so shocked about the tombstones which surround the cemetery of Hakuin. All of the tombstones were priest who was dead during discipline. Maybe 40-50? They are still indicating the determination of zen discipline.
From this year, I am going to spend more time for my practice. Compare with my determination and their determination, mine is just like baby playing. I am very shameful about my determination. There are so many stone Buddha statue in the temple. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time. I just took the photo of Fudo-myooho and Dainichi-Nyorai.
The meaning of Shouin is the shade of pine tree. There are many beautiful pine tree in the temple. Pine tree remind me of proverb as below. 歳寒くして松柏の凋むに後るるを知る (論語) "We realize the pine tree is evergreen tree after cold winter came to." (The Analects of Confucius)
I wish my determination, my mercy and my deed is kept like this. SD120105 Fudoan Hekishusai