不動庵 碧眼録


A Japanese custom


I would like to introduce one of Japanese custom.

It may be interesting.

It is the way of calling person name in Japanese society.

In Japanese society, when we call someone, we often don't use name.

There is simple case, family;

"jiji, ojichan"(grand father)

"baba, obachan"(grand mother)

"papa, otosan, tosan"(his son)

"mama, kasan, okasan"(wife of son)

"onichan"(elder brother)/"onechan"(elder sister)

"name"(youngest child)

In short, except youngest family, most of family is called as their position.

(Recently, father and mother call their name each other.)

Unlike western country, basically, young brother never use the name for calling elder family.

This custom is used also the outside of house.

Company, school and any kind of cultural class.

We use his or her title, position for calling.

And we regard it as polite way of the call in Japan.

Originally, to live for a long time itself is respectable in Japan.

There is a proverb in Africa. It's said "The death of old man is the same as burned down a library.".

I believe this is a truth.

In Japanese language, we call the person who is teaching traditional arts as "先生, sensei".

Literally, sensei means the person who is living longer than you.

Japanese people place the high value on the authority of the person who precedes.

After taking into account older age, Japanese people assess the way that sensei's way of life influences others.

Especially for martial arts in Japan, this manner is followed firmly.

Because, originally, the martial arts is the way for murder.

The person who is studying it must handle it very carefully.

So, following to sensei is the only best way for it.

Therefore, the person who is following to sensei should obey respectfully.

For testifying this belief, the follower must call him as sensei always, anywhere of your life entirely.

SD110830 Hekishusai