不動庵 碧眼録


利休道歌(Rikyu Doka) Vol.10





















Getting dull means the processing is fast and slow. Also it doesn't equal here and there.

The process that it is not fluent is not a good example at the tea ceremony.

The tardy action means the person doesn't understand it.

In the tea ceremony, the action of Temae should not be quick or slow. It's looks not elegant.

The important thing in the tea ceremony is the meaning of understanding should be the mastery through experience. Understanding by only in the brain doesn't make a sense totally. I really agree with the philosophy of tea ceremony.

That is something in Bugei.

Understanding only from the brain is equal to the unknown thing.

Bugei have value only after they can move as they thought.

My acquaintance and friend have a lot of wide knowledge for Bugei.

To tell the truth, I am a ignorance about Bugei knowledge. That's why I really admire to them. Even having the knowledge is great thing.

I am lacking enthusiasm for it.

But, when I have to comment something about Bugei, I always try to use only the word which was confirmed by the mastery through my experience. After the experience became to the part of my body, mind and soul, I comment carefully.

Therefore, I don't like to write much about Bugei, to tell the truth. But now I also feel I should write something about the importance of Japanese culture - especially for all of my friends. That is the reason why I am trying to write it.

Well, let's forget about Bugei,

Even the delay of activities of daily living is depend on your mental attitude.

If you devote the utmost of your body and soul by an instant for an instant, you can act as the activities of daily living for everything as ordinary without any delay. Even if you encounter deadly difficulties, you can deal with same like as brushing your teeth. If you stop because of deadly difficulties, I think that you still haven't devoted the utmost of your body and soul by an instant for an instant. Of course, we are just a weak human, we need to stop sometimes. But stop doesn't make a sense for all means. At least, the things are not solved without action. I believe that we had better to solving in the moving. My Bugei master and Zen master said same thing. By the law of the physics, further power is necessary once when an object stops to move the thing again.

SD101215 Hekishusai