不動庵 碧眼録


The little miscellaneous of Bugei

Since I have entered to this dojo, I always meet so many foreign disciples at the dojo.

Maybe our school is one of the most internationalized group in Japanese martial arts. I really proud of it.

But I should say that I often see the foreign disciples who has some kind of problems, unfortunately.

Bugei is a part of Japanese culture, therefore, studying only the techniques doesn't make a sense.

I am not going to insist to studying Japanese language to you.

But I would like to recommend you to try to study it.

I am not going to insist to studying Japanese custom to you.

But I would like to recommend you to try to study it.

We, Japanese don't watch the result. We will watch your enthusiasm.

Also - it is important! - we are not lonely warrior.

We belong to a organization of Bugei as a Bugeisha.

Therefore, we must think about the organization system.

(Not sake of your convenience!)

So many disciples including instructors misunderstand they regard as lonely warrior or lonely brigade by themselves.

We, Japanese do not want to waste time for it. We don't want to use mouth for it.

We hate the education "by mouth".

We believe the education of traditional arts should by "by behavior".

Our Bugei school is very internationalized and flexible.

But it is still under the traditional of Japan, I believe.

I am very happy if the disciples of same group can understand it.

SD101028 Hekishusai