不動庵 碧眼録



A art...

一芸は万芸に通ず "The philosophy of one artistic skill is applicable to all of artistic skill." To entirely complete a artistic skill makes valuable philosophy for you. In other words, the thousand of incomplete artistic skills doesn't mak…


ネット友達は多いが、リアル友達はほとんどいない若者たち―中国 http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20110419-00000007-rcdc-cn ---------------------------------------------------- Record China 4月19日(火)10時21分配信 2011年4月17日、中国で「80後」…


口開く 者は眼を 昏くして 眼拓かば 心あれかし "The person who open the mouth has ignorant eyes, the person who opened the enlightened eyes has true mind." The language is illusion. The language is the object. The words can never be truth it…